Animating Various Characters Using Arm Gestures in Virtual Reality Environment

Tsubasa Saito, Takashi Ijiri
Shibaura Institute of Technology

Abstract. In this study, we propose a method for efficiently animating various characters. The main concept is to build an animation-authoring system in a virtual reality (VR) environment and allow users to move anchors of a character model with their arms. With our system, users select two anchors, which are associated with two VR controllers. The users then directly specify the three-dimensional (3D) motions of the anchors by moving the controllers. To animate various characters with multiple anchors, users can repeat this specification process multiple times. To demonstrate the feasibility of our method, we show animations designed with our system, such as a walking fox, a walking spider, and a flapping hawk.
概要. 本研究では,様々な構造を持つキャラクターのアニメーションを効率的に作成可能な,バーチャルリアリティ(VR) 環境を活用したアニメーション作成システムを提案する.提案システムでは,VR空間内において, モデル上のアンカーと両手を対応付け,手を使ったジェスチャによりアンカーのアニメーションを指定できる. 複数のアンカーを持つ様々なキャラクターに対しても,この指定作業を繰り返すことでアニメーション指定が可能である. 本研究の有用性を示すため,歩くキツネ,歩くクモ,羽ばたくタカのアニメーション生成結果を紹介する.


[preprint] [ ACM DL ]
        author = {Saito, Tsubasa and Ijiri, Takashi},
        title = {Animating Various Characters Using Arm Gestures in Virtual Reality Environment},
        year = {2021},
        isbn = {9781450386555},
        publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
        url = {},
        doi = {10.1145/3474349.3480220},
        booktitle = {The Adjunct Publication of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
        pages = {29–31},
        numpages = {3},
        location = {Virtual Event, USA},
        series = {UIST '21}